Thursday, June 17, 2010

So Wicked Good

So upon the finale of my education, I moved to the Boston area for the summer to live with my sister, brother-in-law, and niece. It's a nice deal. I'm grateful of them for allowing me to stay with them all summer.

I have a lot to look forward to after the summer, but I'm trying to enjoy this free time while I can, because I know once you grow up, they take away your free time. I've been spending my days mostly lounging, reading, running, and playing Viva Pinata on my bro-in-law's XBox. Although it has been somewhat difficult to be apart from my beau over the summer, as he's making ridiculously rich children's dreams come true at a summer camp.

Anyway, after this summer, it's him and I off to Colorado.

Headin' for the highway. Lookin' for adventure.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


So I walked across the big stage yesterday, (again) and "received" my diploma. What I actually received was a red folder with a letter in it and that graduation song stuck in my head for the rest of the day.

I know a lot of people participate on commencement for their parents' sake. Me, I appreciate the closure... the feelings of accomplishment I get. It's like all year long I've been so wrapped up in work and internships that I forget the whole point.

So, now that I've finished the most difficult school program in my life, I now have a M.A.T. degree. M.A.T. means I spent a year of my life working my butt off and 12,000 dollars to become a teacher. Yup. Go me.

Monday, April 26, 2010

So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye...

Today was the last day of Grad School classes. Although I'm not officially finished, I no longer have to concern myself with mind-numbing, endless assignments. Okay, well two more because I'm running a little behind, but those will be easy. I have four more days of internship, and one formal observation within that. Then, I'm DONE.

I'm truly seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Finally.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Attempt Number Dos

Okay, so I tried to do this once before, and I ended up with one post that I wrote last December. Now that I've finished (almost) my masters program (that which I had mentioned in my first post), I figure I'll have more time to blog about my life, ideas, and experiences. I would like to use this as sort of an outlet. If anyone gets any entertainment out of this, then great. If not, deal with it... I'm writing it for me, not for you. HOPEFULLY, there will be more to come.